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Team Info

GenBiz is equipping Millennials with the skills and education necessary to create and lead the “new economy.” Founded in 2013 as a nonprofit financial literacy organization, GenBiz is now revolutionizing the way Millennials view money. Constituting the most educated, indebted generation to date, Millennials have been misled by a higher education system unwilling to take responsibility for post-graduate outcomes.

It is our fundamental belief that the higher education system is best equipped to prevent today’s socioeconomic inequalities from defining our future. Through skills-based training and student-first reforms, GenBiz is advancing a system of “new education” focused on improving post-graduate outcomes in areas of gainful employment, financial preparedness and entrepreneurial readiness.

Scott Hantler

Scott advises GenBiz on partnerships and editorial content. He’s an alum of the University of Michigan.

David Grasso

David has been writing for GenBiz since 2016. He also hosts Follow the Profit Podcast. He holds a Master of Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School.

Hannah Buczek

Hannah has been a reporter and managing editor for GenBiz since 2020. She is an alumna of Lee University.

Cheyenne Reid

Cheyenne, a contributing writer for GenBiz, is an alumna of the University of Pittsburgh.

Copyright © 2020-2021 GenBiz. GenBiz is owned and operated by owned by the Foundation for American Content and Entertainment, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.