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Online Side Hustles Earning Potential

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Depositphotos 250558118 xl 2015 1

Everybody knows that the internet is a great place to spend your money. But a lesser-known detail about the great world wide web is its earning potential. In fact, there are a ton of ways to gain some extra dough.

Be a digital marketer

Consider getting a certificate in digital marketing. It can give you some grounding and some street cred. It is usually low-cost or free. Digital marketing is a smart move because it meets prospective customers where they are already spending time in great amounts: On the internet. An example of a digital marketer would be a content marketer. A content marketer might create a series of blog posts, for example, that serve to generate leads from a new ebook that the business recently created. Then a social media marketer would help promote these blogs on the business’s social media accounts. There are a ton of ways to be a digital marketer aside from the two listed above. So give it some thought. Maybe it’s for you!

Sell domain names

Did you know that sites like and sold for $11 million and $7 million respectively? Well, they did. It is no longer quite as easy to flip a domain name, but it can be done. The website SidehustleHQ will take you through the steps of what you need to know in order to buy and sell domain names. Sites to buy them from include Godaddy and NameCheap among others.

Sell your skills

Have an area of expertise? Have multiple areas of expertise? Maybe cooking, writing, or perhaps some sort of craft? Those are marketable skills. Make a video and post it on a site that pays you each time somebody buys access to said video.  For instance, teaching online can be an excellent side hustle, and you can pursue such a side hustle with sites like Udemy. Other platforms where you can post teaching videos include Teachable and Skillshare.

Sell your stuff

If you have a passion for fashion for instance (or some other category) you can, in fact, make money selling unwanted goods online through s eBay, Poshmark, and Etsy. Craigslist also can be helpful in this department, but beware, there are a fair share of scammers on Craigslist. When it comes to choosing what you’ll sell on these sites, it is advisable to pick things that you naturally gravitate to. Consider scaling low at first. Sell a few things, and if the sales are healthy, then up your inventory and try to sell a larger amount.


Side hustles are becoming more and more mainstream by the day. There never has been a better time to earn a little extra money. So, if you find yourself wondering how you can possibly earn a little extra moolah, then consider some of these options above. Hop on the internet and give it a go!

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