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Queen Cleopatra: Historical Accuracy and Representation in Hollywood

Netflix' Cleopatra show has sparked controversy and been poorly received.
Photo by Johnmark Smith on Pexels.

The recent Netflix show centered around Cleopatra has sparked controversy and become the lowest-rated series in Rotten Tomatoes history. Criticism primarily stems from historical inaccuracies and the decision to cast a black actress in the lead role. So let’s dive into why this show has been so poorly received and the debate surrounding it, which is highlighting the importance of historical accuracy and examining the two-faced issue of representation in Hollywood.

Rewriting history

The portrayal of Cleopatra in the Netflix show “Queen Cleopatra” has drawn significant backlash, with critics arguing that it distorts Egyptian history. The casting of a black actress as Cleopatra has been particularly contentious, with even members of the Egyptian government expressing their disapproval.

So much so that Egypt’s government is reportedly starting its own documentary on Cleopatra to set the record straight. Critics of the show, and that appears to be most people who’ve come across it, argue that this decision undermines historical accuracy and presents a flawed interpretation of Cleopatra’s background as a Greek Macedonian.

The controversy surrounding the casting choice sheds light on the double standards present in the entertainment industry, and Hollywood in particular. Those who advocate against cultural appropriation have been criticized for endorsing a selective rewriting of history when it suits their narrative and interests. This discrepancy in applying standards fuels the debate, as people question the consistency and fairness of such arguments.

The importance of labeling

Factual accuracy in historical storytelling is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the subject matter. While Hollywood has taken creative liberties in the past, there is a growing demand for content that respects and reflects historical realities. Striving for accuracy is not about limiting creative freedom but ensuring that audiences receive authentic and educational experiences.

A crucial point in the controversy is the fact that Netflix chose to present this Cleopatra show, which Jada Pinkett-Smith produced, as a documentary. Fiction has always been a space where social commentary is explored through ‘what if’s,’ but this sort of re-interpretation of history has no reason to present itself as fact.

The quest for accurate representation and diversity in media is not mutually exclusive from historical authenticity. Hollywood has witnessed successful examples of casting choices that respect both representation and historical accuracy, but that’s not the case here, no matter how much they insist it is.

Incorporating diverse perspectives while staying true to the facts, productions can effectively engage and inspire audiences, offering a balanced blend of entertainment and education. However, masquerading such an attempt as a documentary is outright misleading, and apparently, audiences have taken issue.

A more informed audience

Today, audiences seek content that entertains, inspires, and educates. While some argue that Hollywood falls short in delivering such material, there is a growing call for alternative platforms and independent productions that prioritize historical accuracy and meaningful storytelling. These initiatives cater to the hunger for quality content and showcase that accuracy and relevance are not incompatible with engaging entertainment.

The negative audience reaction to Netflix’s Cleopatra show is evident, with “Queen Cleopatra” is evident in the show’s Rotten Tomatoes score, which is the lowest of all time for the streaming service, at a three percent audience rating. For its part, IMDB rates the show at 1.2/10.

The controversy surrounding the Cleopatra Netflix show underscores the importance of historical accuracy and representation in Hollywood. While differing opinions exist, the demand for content that respects both factual accuracy and diverse representation is evident.

Striving for authenticity benefits not only the audience but also the integrity of historical subjects. As the industry evolves, it is crucial to find a balance that satisfies both creative freedom and the desire for accurate and inclusive storytelling.

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