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The Rise of AI: Jobs Transformed by Automation

AI is taking a stab at traditionally white collar fields.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force across various industries, revolutionizing the way we work and altering the employment landscape, and it’s not just copywriting being impacted. As AI technologies continue to advance rapidly, certain jobs are already being taken over, while others face potential disruption in the near future. The rapid rise of AI and its potential impact on jobs across multiple sectors has even led to multiple professionals calling for an AI pause. In the meantime, let’s look at some professions that AI is already transforming and those that may be susceptible to automation, highlighting the need for adaptation and reskilling in the changing job market.

Assembly-line models

The manufacturing sector has been at the forefront of AI-driven automation. Traditional assembly line jobs are being replaced by robots and AI-powered machines capable of performing repetitive tasks with higher efficiency and precision. Automation streamlines production reduces errors, and increases output. While human workers are still needed for complex tasks and quality control, the demand for manual labor in manufacturing is gradually diminishing.

And other assembly-line-modeled businesses might soon be automated as well. Reports have emerged that Wendy’s is set to test AI at their drive-thru businesses. While AI and automation won’t be cooking or serving orders yet, Wendy’s will be testing AI’s capacity to take customers’ orders as they drive through their locations. 

Rise of AI in the tech sector

Surprisingly, not even the tech sector is safe from AI. Advanced AI models like ChatGPT have proven capable of coding, even if it’s only simple plug-ins for now. And data entry, one of the growing tech sectors, ironically, since it is one of the pillars upon which machine learning and AI are built, is also potentially in danger of replacing human workers. 

AI algorithms excel at processing and analyzing large volumes of data, rendering data entry and administrative tasks susceptible to automation. Intelligent software can extract and organize information, generate reports, and perform routine administrative duties, reducing the need for manual data entry.

This shift, in theory, allows human workers to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their roles, emphasizing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The silver lining here, as with most jobs AI is transforming, is that the rise of AI will likely require human supervision for some time.

An example of AI’s capacity to process large quantities of information is evident in how AI has proven it can offer diagnoses like pancreatic cancer more accurately than humans in some cases. Though not as much of a health factor, AI has also shown it can accurately predict shark attacks based on bulks of processed information.

Automated call systems

Similar to the Wendy’s drive-through process mentioned above, automated phone calls are a field ripe for AI’s skills. Most companies already used some form of automated system, and that makes this one field where AI could definitely improve customers’ experience. The hassle of dealing with automated systems that have limited responses or interactions could greatly improve with the rise of AI, without taking over any jobs humans currently hold.

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are revolutionizing customer service and support functions. These intelligent systems can understand and respond to customer inquiries, troubleshoot common issues, and provide personalized recommendations.

As AI technologies advance, chatbots are becoming increasingly sophisticated, mimicking human conversation and improving customer experiences. While human agents are still valuable for complex or emotionally sensitive interactions, routine customer service tasks that are already automated could improve thanks to AI’s fast-paced evolution.

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